Watch (or re-watch) the Sunday, October 6, Message “Reflections on Discomfort” presented by Beloved Conversations Retreat Leader, Rhonda Brown, & our own Pat Gordon & Scott GrantSmith After reflecting on the message, consider signing up for the February/March 2020 Beloved Conversations session. Information & session days/times are on the Journey Toward Wholeness webpage.
We all know the subject of race can be difficult. Watch Mellody Hobson’s Ted Talk “Color Blind or Color Brave?” to hear why she thinks it’s so important to start talking about race to make for a better society.
Change is hard and institutional change—building a plane while flying it—is daunting. We did it when we transitioned to Policy Governance and we’re doing it again as we work to become more inclusive, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive. Why are we (and the UUA) doing this? Rev. Leslie Takahashi of the UUA’s Commission on Institutional Change answers that question:
Does the term “white supremacy culture” make you feel uncomfortable? Definitions are important as we continue our work to become radically inclusive and make changes to the institution that is First UU San Diego. Cir L L’Bert Jr. of the UUA’s Commission on Institutional Change has written a blog post “A Note on Definitions” to clarify some “uncomfortable” terms: Participants in our first Beloved Conversations program were changed by that experience. One of them—Rev. Jim Grant—found an article that helped him think more about white privilege. It might do the same for you: “Brief Encounters With White Men: I Wanted to Know What White Men Thought About Their Privilege. So I Asked” by Claudia Rankine:
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March 2022
The purpose of this blog is to share information, stories, articles and other items that are of interest to the UU congregations of San Diego. If you have an article to share, please send it to us!
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