FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
What is the appropriate attire to wear to one of your worship service gatherings? At any of our San Diego churches, you'll find people in all manner of dress: from casual clothes including jeans to dresses, sport coats and suits. In fact, at the outdoor amphitheater of the UU Fellowship of San Dieguito in Solana Beach, you may even find folks dressed in shorts, sandals and sun visors! We want everyone to feel free to "come as they are," so dress comfortably and know that we'll welcome you! What are your worship services like? They will probably be familiar to you if you have attended Protestant-style services at other places. Most of our services are an hour long and feature a sermon topic delivered by a minister, guest speaker or lay leader in the congregation. Stories, poems, music and readings from a variety of spiritual traditions are used. What do you teach children? We teach our children to think for themselves, while helping them develop moral, compassionate behavior. Our children are introduced to wisdom from the world's great religions and encouraged to form their own points of view about universal themes and questions. Programs are designed for every age level, including youths transitioning into young adulthood. Can Unitarian Universalists believe anything they want to? No, there are many beliefs that are incompatible with Unitarian Universalist principles and practices. For example, holding the belief that people of one skin color are better than those of another is completely in conflict with Unitarian Universalism. How many Unitarian Universalists are there in San Diego? How many in the U.S.? Our five San Diego cluster congregations have about 1,500 members, with First Church having two campuses. There are between 200,000 and 250,000 Unitarian Universalists in the United States. For more detailed information on UU Principles and other information, please visit the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations website at uua.org. |