First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego
Welcome, one and all, to our Unitarian Universalist religious community: First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego. We welcome you, whoever you are, whatever tradition, gender, race, sexual orientation, or age you represent. In our presence may you walk the ways of truthfulness, service, and holiness, and through all your days and nights may you experience love.
Our mission is to become an increasingly diverse community with differing beliefs yet shared values. In joy and mutual support we offer spiritual nourishment, create beauty, affirm the worth of each individual and honor the democratic process. From this place we encourage all ages to learn and grow together while we labor for compassionate justice in our society and on our planet. You are warmly invited to visit us. We know you will want to come back and learn more about our unique approach to religion. Community
Getting HereGPS: use 298 West Arbor Drive, San Diego, CA 92103 - across the street from UCSD Medical Center.
Directions While the address is 4190 Front St, it is not visible or accessible by auto from Front Street! Keep going straight on Arbor Dr. The church is located across the street from the UCSD Medical Center in Hillcrest. Note: From Washington St, 1st Ave is one-way north, and Front Street is one way south. From Highway 163 southbound, take the Washington St West exit. Count the light at the top of that exit as #1, and proceed to light #4, which is First Ave. Turn right onto First, and proceed three blocks. Turn left onto Arbor Dr. The UCSD Medical Center will be on your right. Entrance to the church parking lot is directly across from the Medical Center main entrance. Important -- Take a ticket from the machine at the entrance to the parking lot: the church will validate it. From Interstate 5, take Washington St exit. At the exit light, turn onto Washington St (southbound turn left; northbound turn right), proceeding up a long, curving hill into the neighborhood called Mission Hills. Look for a Jack in the Box on the left, and one block past that, turn left onto First Ave. Proceed three blocks. Turn left onto Arbor Dr. The UCSD Medical Center will be on your right. Entrance to the church parking lot is directly across from the Medical Center main entrance. Transit: we are on San Diego MTS Bus Route 3 and near MTS Bus Route 10. Parking
Parking is free on Saturday nights and all day Sunday. If the church's lot is full on Sunday mornings, you will receive from our parking lot attendant a code for free parking until 1 p.m. in UCSD's parking structure at the west end of Arbor Drive. If you're attending an event be sure to take a ticket from the machine at the entrance to the parking lot: the church will validate it. Parking is always validated for church events.
Visit the First Church website at
ScheduleContact InfoFirst Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego
4190 Front Street, San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 298-9978 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. |