Hear What Youth Have to Say About Microaggressions: This short (1:49) video created by POC youth in the KidsSpeak program says it all. Interested in Learning More About Microaggressions? Contact Jan Garbosky to receive information about upcoming dates for 2-hour docent-led tours of the Museum of Man?s ?Race: Are We So Different?? exhibit including a workshop on microaggressions & implicit bias.
Interested in Learning More About Microaggressions? Contact Jan Garbosky to receive information about upcoming dates for 2-hour docent-led tours of the Museum of Man's "Race: Are We So Different?" exhibit including a workshop on microaggressions & implicit bias.
If You Commit a Microaggression: When you’re even slightly aware you may have committed one OR if you’re confronted about it, do NOT be defensive. Listen. Learn from the wrongdoing. APOLOGIZE—just as you would if you hurt someone another way. That you didn’t intend to hurt them, doesn’t matter. That they were hurt by your words or action is what matters. Our faith calls us to be kind & compassionate.
Microaggression of the Week: You’re so articulate (to a person of color who shared a reflection during service.)
Message: It’s unusual for someone of your race to be well-spoken, speak English so well. Instead: Comment on the power of the speaker’s words, the importance or impact of the ideas presented, or the picture their words painted in your mind. |
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March 2022
The purpose of this blog is to share information, stories, articles and other items that are of interest to the UU congregations of San Diego. If you have an article to share, please send it to us!
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